Call for Papers
We are looking for papers in areas normally associated with commonsense, including but not limited to: large knowledge bases, knowledge acquisition, inference, formal models, and intelligent user interfaces.
We are also looking for papers which appeal to a wide variety of researchers beyond those usual areas, including but not limited to story understanding and generation, lexical semantics, ontology, the semantic web, dimensionality reduction, contexts, mental prostheses, and games with a purpose. We are also interested in papers using commonsense or commonsense techniques to better understand domain specific data.
We invite submissions of full papers (up to 6 pages), short papers (2 pages), and system demos (up to 2 pages). Accepted papers (both long and short) from the symposium will be published as an AAAI technical report. These papers should be original material, though we welcome system demos from previously established/published systems. Late breaking ideas are encouraged to submit short papers. Please prepare papers for blind review.
Please use our online submission system by May 21th, midnight PST.
We welcome attendance from those not presenting a paper. We are open to ideas for panels or tutorial sessions, please email havasi at media dot mit dot edu.
Photo credit: vasta on Flickr. Used under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA.